Hospital Price Transparency

Welcome to the Pioneer Memorial Hospital Price Transparency web page. The data presented will show individual charges and may be difficult for an individual to use for help in calculating the total charges you may incur during your visit and the applicable out of pocket expenses you may be responsible for.

We encourage our patients to either visit our price estimate link below or contact the Director of Patient Financial Services at (605) 326-5161 for help with your specific circumstances.

Beginning January 1, 2019, the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services and Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services are requiring hospitals and health systems to post their “current, standard charges”.

On this page, you will be able to access the standard charges for Pioneer Memorial Hospital. It is important to note that the charges reflected are the amounts Pioneer Memorial Hospital would bill an insurer and it may not be what will be required to be paid out of pocket by the patient.

The prices depicted are from the current charge master and reflect prices that were in effect as of 01/01/2020. Hospital prices are updated annually with the most recent overall price change being implemented on January 1, 2020. There could be instances where charges in an individual department or an isolated charge may change during the year and may have been updated since 01/01/2020.

Hospital charges are the amount a hospital bills an insurer for a service. For most patients, hospitals are reimbursed at a level well below charges. Patients covered by commercial insurance products have negotiated rates with hospitals. Patients covered by Medicare or Medicaid programs have hospital reimbursement rates determined by federal and state governments.

Hospital charges may also include bundled procedures, personnel, services and supplies. An example would be room rates that include the space, equipment, nursing personnel and supplies.

It is important when a patient has the opportunity to shop for medical services that he or she contacts his or her own insurance carrier to understand which costs will be covered and which will be the patient's responsibility.

As we mentioned above, Pioneer Memorial has established a process to help patients make inquiries into what an anticipated encounter or procedure would cost. We encourage patients to either call us or visit our website.

Patients can also get quick, clear answers to questions about billing, payments, insurance and more by contacting the Director of Patient Financial Services at (605) 326-5161. Our office hours are Monday-Friday from 8:00 am – 5:00 pm.

In addition to resources on this website, there are additional resources available that provide summarized charge data at either a diagnosis-related group (DRG) level or outpatient procedure level. The South Dakota Association of Healthcare Organizations maintains the South Dakota Hospital PricePoint website ( where a person can search and compare the average charge among various facilities.

Pioneer Memorial Hospital © 2025. Developed by Intuvio Solutions.