Health & Wellness Blog

Men's Health Month

June 6, 2022

June is Men’s Health Month, and Pioneer Memorial Hospital & Health Services stresses the importance to educate the public about the many preventable health problems that affect men and boys, and empower them and their loved ones to move towards a healthier, happier life.

Self-Harm Awareness Month

March 8, 2022

Each year, during March, mental health organizations across the country raise awareness about self-harm – a condition that often affects teenagers and young adults. Self-harm is also known as self-abuse, self-injury, or self-mutilation. Self-harm occurs when someone intentionally and repeatedly harms themselves impulsively but not lethally. Teens tend to keep their self-harm a secret, making it challenging for parents to notice that their child is engaging in harmful behavior. Most teens who self-harm attribute it to attempting to cope with difficult or painful feelings, often due to past experiences with abuse, neglect, or a traumatic event.

Mental Wellness Month

January 28, 2022

January is Mental Wellness Month and at Pioneer Memorial Hospital & Health Services, we would like to remind you that by focusing each day on improving mental wellness, you can increase resilience, help you manage stress, and build your overall sense of well-being. Enhancing mental wellness also helps to ward off symptoms of serious mental illness. There are some easy steps you can take every day to improve your mental wellness.

Tips to Combat Substance Use during the holidays

December 21, 2021

A challenge that often appears this time of the year is increased substance use during the holiday season. The holidays can be exhausting and stressful which can trigger mental health challenges. Those who are recovering or struggling with an active addiction can have a very hard time during the holidays, especially amidst a global pandemic, which could in turn lead to relapse. The holiday time can also bring along the emotional stress of family conflict, trauma, financial concerns, and loneliness. If you are not well equipped to manage these stressors, you may resort back to poor coping strategies. Pioneer Memorial Hospital & Health Services reminds you that you do not need to resort to alcohol, tobacco, or other drugs to make it through this holiday season, but you do need to be prepared! Read more about tips on how to combat substance abuse this holiday season.

National Stress-free Family Holiday Month

December 6, 2021

The holidays can be stressful even in the best of times - with crowds, family tensions, hosting responsibilities, and the social pressure and economic strain of gift giving. In addition, 1 in 5 of us struggle with mental illness, grief, depression or anxiety, which can worsen during the holidays and winter months. And, this year we still haveCOVID-19 to contend with, raising the ever-controversial question of ‘to gather or not to gather?’! Stress-free … hah!

Depression in Adolescents & Younger Adults

October 22, 2021

Feeling sad is something that happens to all of us from time to time. However, feeling sad for long periods of time can become quite detrimental. If you or someone you know has been feeling sad, irritable, cranky or fatigued for longer than a week, they may be demonstrating the early signs of depression

Breast Cancer Awareness

October 7, 2021

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month, which serves as an annual reminder of all of the brave individuals who have been affected by this disease, as well those who have overcome it. This yearly reminder is an important time to reflect on the statistics, and what we can do to best combat breast cancer.

Faster Healing through Wound Care

September 21, 2021

Sometimes after an accident or surgery, or if you're experiencing chronic tissue damage, the wound has difficulty healing on its own. If you're concerned about a particular area, turn to Pioneer Memorial Hospital & Health Services to help you recover quickly.

Cholesterol 101: What Adults Should Know

September 15, 2021

Educating yourself about cholesterol is an important part of maintaining good health. While people can suffer from the effects of high cholesterol at any age, the condition tends to worsen as we grow older. Caregivers need to have an understanding of this potentially dangerous condition for their own health and that of their senior loved one. September is National Cholesterol Education Month. It's the perfect time to have your cholesterol level checked and begin making the necessary changes to lower it, if it's too high.

Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month: Silent Symptoms

September 8, 2021

September is Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month. This gynecologic cancer may not receive as much attention as other gynecologic cancers, but ovarian cancer is serious business. It is the 11th most common cancer among women in the US, but the fifth leading cause of cancer-related death among women. When caught in the early stages, 94 percent of women survive ovarian cancer longer than five years. If caught later, it is the deadliest of the gynecological cancers, which include cervical, uterine, vaginal and vulvar cancer. Why is it so deadly if it’s so treatable? Ovarian cancer is rarely detected early.

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